What We Do
“We have discovered the joy of bringing what happens inside the church outside, while bringing the wonder & appreciation of God’s creation inside“
-Pastor Michael
Our Mission
Our project began in 2018, with the creation of Stilmedow Community Projects Inc. (SCPI). Stillmeadow Community Projects, Inc. aims to be a community anchor, stewarding its resources to meet the multi-faceted needs of the people in its community. Stillmeadow Community Projects, Inc. strives to serve as a community pillar by managing its resources to address the diverse needs of its residents. Stillmeadow is aware that a community's capacity for resiliency and sustainability depends on the mental, physical, and spiritual health of its residents. Therefore, SCPI’s 10-acre urban forest is was revitalized and transformed into a PeacePark.
Stillmeadow Community Church owns the 10-acre forest adjacent to the church. Over the last couple of years, collaboration between the church; the United States Forest Service; the University of Delaware; and local nonprofits like Blue Water Baltimore and Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake has begun restoring our forest. The goal of our reforestation project is to improve the health of our park, while bringing environmental education to our community in the process.
How we do it
➤ Solar: In spring of 2021, we installed solar panels in order to become more energy efficient.
➤Cisterns: When Frederick Ave flooded in 2018, Stillmeadow discovered how runoff from our properties could contribute to flooding. We took fast action and added 4 large cisterns and 3 rain barrels, that hold up to 600 gallons of water, to our property with the help of the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Blue Water Baltimore.
➤ Community Gardens: Stillmeadow’s community lies in a food desert. We sought to provide fresh fruits and vegetables by starting a free access community garden.
➤ Trees: We have planted around 2,800 trees in the PeacePark in an effort to improve park health.
➤Pollinator Garden: We are slowly transforming our front lawn into a pollinator garden to encourage the proliferation of native pollinators and attract them to the Stillmeadow Peace Park.
➤Stream Health: Stillmeadow regularly uses citizen science to assess the stream and pond that run through our Peacepark.
➤ Composting: In an effort to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and the incinerator, we have started an on site compost.
➤Baltimore Forest School: The Baltimore Forest School operates at the PeacePark. It is a program that cultivates learning through nature from birth to high-school.
➤Stillmeadow PeacePark Learning Center: We provide a space for students to learn about stewardship, environmental science, environmental justice, and the value of a healthy forest in an urban community through an after-school program that makes use of the Stillmeadow PeacePark as an engaging outdoor classroom.
➤Activities + Events: We have hosted educational activities and events such as Bug Blitz’s in the stream, Bee education classes at our apiary, owl prowls, and city nature challenges.
➤ Work Days: On the 1st and the 3rd Saturday of every month, Stillmeadow hosts a workday, where members of the community are able to come into the PeacePark and be active stewards of the environment.
➤ Volunteers: Stillmeadow partners with other organzations/schools such as Mt. Saint Josephs High School and Break a Difference to maximize its volunteer reach.
Since 2017, over 2500 individuals have logged more than 24,000 volunteer hours.